Venture Recruitment Solutions for Candidates

Finding the right employer, role and fit, when considering a career change is difficult. We will listen to your preferred criteria and work to get option(s) in front of you to review, that are relevant for you!

We will not send you positions that are not a fit, just because they are active currently. At Venture Recruitment, we act on your behalf. We take your lead. We listen, and ultimately, we hope to have a position or two that will be of serious consideration to you.

If you are thinking of moving job, please do book a consultation with one of our experienced consultants. We will discuss the current jobs market in open terms and navigate the best way forward, in what are, turbulent times.

The consultation is free, as is representation for any suitable vacancy we have on our books.

We are always keen to help in any way we can, even if it means referring you to a better-placed, specific recruitment contact.

Our aim is to listen to you, your needs and desires from your next job and try our best to help you achieve those – as such, we do not hard sell live vacancies or companies that do not fit your job search criteria.

Recruitment for Employees / Candidates

Register as candidate

Please fill out the form if you wish to register yourself as a candidate or for a career consultation.

CV & LinkedIn support

With an average of 15 years of recruitment experience, the team in Venture Recruitment will offer you grounded advice around your career move.

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Executive Coaching


Career assessment

If you wish to discuss career planning, CV development and assessing your linkedin page, then you can also book a career assessment with Dan. 

The assessment costs €350 plus VAT and includes three hours of consultation with an improved CV, linkedin profile and career plan developed. These assessment consultations are useful for anyone at a career juncture, anyone who has been made redundant or anyone who want to move into a different sector. 

book your career assessment