GDPR & Venture Recruitment
May 11th 2018

What is GDPR?

The General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) was approved by the EU parliament in April 2016 and will have effect from 25 May 2018. It is designed to regulate how businesses can use personal data and replaces the existing Data Protection Directive (which was designed before cloud computing, and even the internet, became mainstream).

All businesses that work within the E.U must be compliant with GDPR legislation.

Your Data:

If we have a candidate`s data (active or passive job-seeker) on file, it is from a previous correspondence through LinkedIn, a job board (where the candidate has sent a note, a CV or called Venture Financial Recruitment) or a job application through another medium.

Venture Financial only maintains basic, relevant information (to your potential job search) on our database.


We will communicate with every candidate on our database at least once every 12 months to seek permission to continue to hold their personal information. This contact will also offer the opportunity to change or edit the personal data we keep, by the candidate.

If we cannot get in touch with a candidate on our database, after 24 months of no contact, we then commit to deleting their records on our system.

We commit not to share any candidate`s personal data with a third party, unless necessary for the purpose of sourcing and securing a new job for that individual – examples of this may be for outsourced psychometric testing or background checks. The candidate will be informed of any such third-party involvement and
their consent will be sought in advance of any such action.

You can change, alter or delete any of your personal information at any time.

Please contact us at if you wish to review, edit or delete your personal data with us.

We will respond within 72 hours and let you know as soon as we have done so.


Venture Financial Recruitment has undertaken a number of measure to keep users (candidates and companies that we work with/interact with) details secure. We use secure offices, which are locked when un-manned, and have a swipe control to access the building. Our laptops and phones are encrypted, and password protected.

We do not print any CVs or keep hard copy files of same unless necessary for a specific client and we shred any sensitive documents we are not using, daily.

Our client and candidate database is operated in a secure cloud-based system which has its own secure firewalls. Any potential data breaches will be documented, remedied as soon as possible and those affected will be informed within 24 hours of our knowledge.


We have a Data Controller in Venture Financial Recruitment who has attended relevant GDPR training during 2017 and 2018.

All of our consultants have been made aware of GDPR regulations and are trained to relay any potential breaches or requests for information to the data controller.

Any such external queries to the controller can be sent to